I ran my last AutoClusters for AncestryDNA on Genetic Affairs on 11 March 2020, and I’m glad I did – see News From Genetic Affairs: Ancestry Demands They Stop Collecting DNA Match Data. I finally got around to looking at the results and doing more analysis last week.1) For AncestryDNA, Genetic Affairs “clusters,” or “groups,” my DNA matches according to Shared Matches (who do I share a match with, and who do my DNA matches share a match with?). They then try to identify Common Ancestors by comparing my tree with the Ancestry Member Trees of my DNA matches in the analysis.The Genetic Affairs AutoCluster results come in zipped files, including:* an HTML file with the Autocluster chart and explanations * a CSV spreadsheet with the cluster information by match name* a file folder for the Ancestry generation charts* a file folder for Tree charts for each cluster2) I ran the AutoCluster with a range of 25 cM to 250 cM, and it covered 565 DNA matches with a minimum of 2 matches in a cluster. Here is the top of the AutoCluster chart:Each small colored box on the is a cluster of my DNA matches that probably share a Common Ancestor. The names of the matches are down the left side of the chart and across the top of the chart. The cluster number and number of members in each cluster are on the right side of the chart. For instance, Cluster 1 has 26 members. A member of a cluster shares a common ancestor with all or some of the other members of the cluster and with me. Further down the chart page is a sample tree that the Genetic Affairs program provides:
The sample Tree chart above is typical of what is in the Trees file folder for most of the clusters.The bottom of the screen above shows the list of common ancestors and common locations (within 100 meters and 5 kilometers) for some of the clusters. These might be helpful to identify where the ancestors of my DNA matches come from.3) Still further down the AutoCluster chart page is the AutoTree – I chose 7 generations – and there are seven screens to this chart:
This chart is also in the Ancestors file folder along with the other x-generation charts.As you can see from the big pedigree chart above, I have very few ancestors with Genetic Affairs Matches in the Seaver portion (my father’s father) of my pedigree chart (the top one fourth of the chart). I have many more on the Richmond portion (my father’s mother) of my chart, some on the Carringer portion (my mother’s father) of my chart, and some on the Auble portion (my mother’s mother) of my chart.4) My ancestors with Genetic Affairs matches (meaning they have identified a common ancestor for a DNA Match based on the trees of my DNA Matches) are colored in pink to red (depending on how many matches there are). There are also Cluster numbers (in Orange) and number of Matches (in Green) on the common ancestors with matches, as shown below:
Note that some ancestors are in more than one Auto Cluster.5) In the next post, I will delve into several of the Clusters and accompanying Tree charts to see how accurate they are and if they helped me with determining the Common Ancestors of my DNA Matches on the AutoCluster chart.6) Although Genetic Affairs can no longer create these AutoCluster charts for AncestryDNA, it can still be used for the other major DNA providers, including MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe and GEDmatch. In the future, they may be precluded from providing that information for privacy reasons, so do the Genetic Affairs analysis while it’s still available. Note that MyHeritageDNA has the option for AutoClusters in its’ Options.==================================================Disclosure: I have been a paid subscriber to Genetic Affairs for several months, and really appreciate Evert-Jan Blom’s program capabilities and the overall services he provides. Thank you, Evert-Jan!The URL for this post is: Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. SeaverPlease comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the “Comments” link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
Source: My Last AncestryDNA AutoCluster Analysis From Genetic Affairs – Post 1