Lucjan CichockiFrame

Contact Information

Name: Lucjan Cichocki

Title: Reseacher/Historian

Website: Polish Ancestry Research



Phone: +48 508 230 660

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Please indicate the type of service you need (genealogical, translation, or presentation)..

Lucjan Cichocki BIO:

Lucjan’s adventure with tracing family histories started in 2013 with a visit to the Diocesan Archives in Przemyśl.  A friend of his showed him what old nineteenth-century vital records looked like and what information they contained.  Gradually he became more and more accustomed to various kinds of longhand and was able to maximize the results of his work while minimizing the time needed to complete it.  Now, genealogy research is his full-time occupation and he is honored to have discovered the roots of many.  Lucjan’s work involves searching for records at Diocesan and State Archives, searching for records at parishes, finding living relatives, driving people to the villages that their ancestors lived in, and translating vital records.  His areas of expertise include southeastern and southern Poland (excluding southwestern Poland), central, eastern, and northeastern Poland, Slovakia, and westernmost Ukraine.  His website is Polish Ancestry Research.

What I do

● Search for records at diocesan and state archives

● Search for records at parishes

● Find living relatives

● Dive people to the villages their ancestors lived in

● Translate vital records

What areas I cover

● South-eastern and southern Poland (excluding south-western Poland)

● Central, eastern and north-eastern Poland

● Slovakia

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Past Presentations:

Genealogy Society Presentations
Presentations at Northwest Suburban Genealogy Society Date Handout Video
Lucjan Cichocki – Cadastral Maps March 9, 2024 Handout Video
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Genealogy Society Presentations

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Presentations at Northwest Suburban Genealogy Society Date Handout Video
Lucjan Cichocki – Cadastral Maps March 1, 2024 Handout Video