Dr. Blaine Bettinger – 10 Generative AI Prompts Every Genealogist Needs to Know
Meeting Survey

1. Are you a "Paid" Northwest Suburban Genealogy member?*

1. Are you a "Paid" Northwest Suburban Genealogy member?*

2. I found the content of the meeting interesting and beneficial.*

2. I found the content of the meeting interesting and beneficial.*

3. The length of the presentation was adequate to present the topic.*

3. The length of the presentation was adequate to present the topic.*

4. Rate the value you obtained from the meeting handout. (Guest Member Please Skip This Question)*

4. Rate the value you obtained from the meeting handout. (Guest Member Please Skip This Question)*

5. Did the slides on the screen add value to the presentation?*

5. Did the slides on the screen add value to the presentation?*

6. Will your attendance at this presentation add value to your genealogy research?*

6. Will your attendance at this presentation add value to your genealogy research?*

Guest Information
If you are a guest for this meeting, please tell us how you heard about NWSGS.

1. How did you learn about this meeting?*

1. How did you learn about this meeting?*

Any comments?
Please feel free to give us comments or suggestions.

1. Comments about the speaker or their presenation?

1. Comments about the speaker or their presenation?

2. Comments about NWSGS in general?

2. Comments about NWSGS in general?

About Me
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9 thoughts on “Monthly Meeting Survey

  • May 6, 2023 at 11:54 am

    This was an excellent, well done presentation! I learned a lot about ways to search for newspaper resources and how to use various databases to find the newspapers.

  • Profile photo ofJimbo813
    December 4, 2023 at 9:50 am

    His presentation was not as structured but he had great knowledge and experience in PA research. Would have liked more conversation with him rather than a presentation.

  • January 13, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    David Lambert did an excellent job. i have been a NEHGS member for years, but didn’t know aobut some of the resources he listed. Nancy

  • March 9, 2024 at 12:28 pm

    Lucjan Cichocki’s presentation of using Cadastral maps of the Austrian Empire to locate your ancestor’s home was well worth watching because he showed what resources were available, along with common misinformation about such. Also, he sounded well versed in this subject & dedicated to helping people, and we would certainly contact him when we try to find ancestors’ homes in this area of Europe, or at least their villages or towns. Additionally, he said he had contacts in geographical areas that are not his specialty.

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