Making A Family History Book Part 2
About the Workshop

1. How did you attend the workshop?*

1. How did you attend the workshop?*

2. I found the content of the meeting interesting and beneficial.*

2. I found the content of the meeting interesting and beneficial.*



4. Rate the value you obtained from the meeting handout.*

4. Rate the value you obtained from the meeting handout.*



6. Did the slides on the screen add value to the presentation?*

6. Did the slides on the screen add value to the presentation?*



8. Were your questions answered about this topic?*

8. Were your questions answered about this topic?*

9. Are you planning on attending the other workshop sessions?*

9. Are you planning on attending the other workshop sessions?*

10. Was this a good "Show-Me-How" workshop topic?*

10. Was this a good "Show-Me-How" workshop topic?*

Any comments?
Please feel free to give us comments or suggestions.

1. Do you have any general comments about the topic or what you feel could have been done better?

1. Do you have any general comments about the topic or what you feel could have been done better?

2. Do you have any suggestions for future "Show-Me-How" workshops?

2. Do you have any suggestions for future "Show-Me-How" workshops?

3. Would you be willing to host or co-host a workshop on a topic that you are comfortable or experienced? (Note: Workshops can be one or several sessions depending on what you feel the need should be to explain the topic.)

3. Would you be willing to host or co-host a workshop on a topic that you are comfortable or experienced? (Note: Workshops can be one or several sessions depending on what you feel the need should be to explain the topic.)

4. Comments about NWSGS in general?

4. Comments about NWSGS in general?

About Me
Please provide your name and email address below.

1. Please provide your name

1. Please provide your name

2. Please provide your email address

2. Please provide your email address