Thomas's presentation starts at the 54-minute mark.
Presentation Description:
Are you sitting on a pile of old family photographs and wondering what is the best way to preserve them? What about boxes of family vacation slides, photo negatives, or home movies? As more and more Baby Boomers take on the task of organizing family history materials, we’re uncertain about the best way to preserve these memories. And an over-abundance of technology doesn’t help!
Presenter’s Bio:
What happens when a “tech guy” with a love for history gets laid off during The Great Recession of 2008? You get me, Thomas MacEntee, a genealogy professional who’s also a blogger, educator, author, social media connector, marketer, network builder, and more.
Thomas was laid off after a 25-year career in the information technology field, so he started his own genealogy-related business called High Definition Genealogy. Currently, Thomas shares many of his articles and videos for free at!
“I’m a lifelong learner with a background in a multitude of topics and I’ve finally figured out what I do best: teach, inspire, instigate, and serve as a curator and go-to-guy for concept nurturing and inspiration. I believe in success, and that we all succeed when we help each other find success.
I see things differently than most in the genealogy field; I’m almost never content with the status quo. That doesn’t mean I chase after change just for the sake of change; but when I see an opportunity to improve something and to bring more people into the genealogy sphere, that’s where you’ll find me.”