Some nice comments from recent meeting surveys...

Great speakers, informative website which is easy to use. Very much worth the cost of membership. - - - Keep doing the members helping members... It seems there is always something that hits the target of what I am working on. - - - The website has fantastic resources for members! The cache of recorded lectures is amazing! --- I think you have a very "well oiled" society. I am in Florida and found your society by mistake a few years ago. I am now a member and love the way your run your society. Your speaker line up this year is "OUTSTANDING". --- I can see this is a very active and engaged group. I'm looking forward to checking out the discussion section --- This is a very organized, informative group! The website is very useful with a lot of resources. The presentations they offer are always excellent and useful with highly educated presenters. --- I love this group. I usually gather something to use even though it may not be my main area of interest. The members helping members is worth the price of a membership. That was one of the main reasons I joined. Thank you all for what you do. --- Top shelf Genealogical group! --- Glad to be a member of this group. ---

Meetings 2024 – 2025

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Upcoming Meetings

Here are some of the great speakers and topics we have for upcoming meeting. Come meet with us. Guest are always welcome!

Paul Milner – Pre-1837 British and Irish Research
Lisa Alzo – No Easy Button: Using Immersion Genealogy to Understand Your Ancestors
Dr. Michael Lacopo – Deconstructing Your Family Tree: Re-evaluating the “Evidence”

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Lisa Cooke On AI in Genealogy Research

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