Contact Information Name: David Allen Lambert Title: Reseacher/Historian Website: Genealogy Cruises BlogSite: David Allen Lambert Blog David Allen Lambert BIO: David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist has been on the staff of American Ancestors/NEHGS since 1993 and is an internationally recognized
My Last AncestryDNA AutoCluster Analysis From Genetic Affairs – Post 1
I ran my last AutoClusters for AncestryDNA on Genetic Affairs on 11 March 2020, and I’m glad I did – see News From Genetic Affairs: Ancestry Demands They Stop Collecting DNA Match Data. I finally got around to looking at the
How to Add Context to DNA Matches
No. I still haven’t figured out my parents’ DNA connection. It’s a journey, and along the way, I keep finding tools and methods to help make sense of DNA matches.After giving up on DNA triangulation, I wanted an easier way
Are Your Dead Ends Hiding DNA Matches?
Some dead ends are more important than others when a DNA connection is missing.Despite some juicy leads, I still don’t know why my parents share some DNA. They have a distant cousin relationship that I can’t nail down. So let’s